The Morning I Fell in Love With

Jan 22, 2011 0 comments

When it comes to our day to day life, we normally talk about our mundane routine and the way the day passed. But have you ever thought about the way your morning has passed. Quite skeptical, but seriously for a min I want you to close your eyes and recall about how your morning was today. Specifically I am talking about the time we spend after waking up till the breakfast. Ruminating it again and again the answer in most cases is brushing our teeth, reading newspaper, having a bath, exercise or any other sort of workout n stuff. So basically it’s about getting ready for the whole day ahead I guess. And then the entire day after breakfast is lost in our busy scheduled life. N the night is finally about relaxing and sleeping. But wait, isn’t it like you missing something. Think And Think. Most probably you say no because you quite happy and satisfied with your life and enjoy every bit of it so there’s no room for the missing part. Well my click is about the time you have for yourself. Yes, there you are. Is there any part of the day when you just enjoy being yourself and actually do something which makes you feel the happiest ever and has nothing to do with any other worldly stuff. Now of course don’t deny this. We all have some interests and passions which we want to live not because they are a crucial part of our personal or professional life but because they give us the joy of being ourselves. It may be anything- painting, dancing, writing, photography, cooking, art, music, just anything. No matter the people around us value our passions or not, but the satisfaction and the happiness achieved in doing it is something indefatigable. These things may or may not make us any money but at the same time they don’t even cost us anything. They may not be appreciated by anyone but you. But the whole story is covered up when pursuing our passions leave on us an impression that makes our lives worth living the way we desire. 

Now since you have almost realized you have a chance to blend your life with the colors of your passions, the question now arises is “When is the time?” In such heavily loaded routines, something like this seems really tuff. But remember where there is a will there has to be a way. And the way here is the “morning time”. Yeah the same morning which you spend doing almost nothing good. Just imagine the first thing you do in the morning is living your passion. Bet me when you do this, you will feel being the happiest creature on this planet and the spark of this will make your entire day. Isn’t this something really exciting and beautiful? For that short time, you will definitely find yourself in another world completely designed and belonging to only YOU. You are the master of your own time. I do the same every morning like writing this article. And this makes me fell in love with the morning itself. Go ahead and Win yourself!


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